Our Terms & Conditions

While it might feel a bit time-consuming to read the fine print, we do believe it is the best way to manage expectations and avoid any surprises. Our terms of trade set out what we will deliver to you and what we expect from you. The last thing we want is a mismatch in understanding and a poor outcome between us.

At JV Systems, we believe in providing great service, and we take pride in our standards. The terms of trade below serve as the criteria for all of the work we carry out. These terms override any agreements made in person, over the phone, or in any other communication.

When we carry out work for you or on your behalf, you agree to uphold your obligations under these terms of trade.

If you have any questions please contact us on our head office phone number (07 985 5110) or in writing via email ([email protected]). If you are unhappy with the work we provide, or have any problems or comments, please let us know immediately. We will do our best to fix any problems right away. If you do not give us feedback or if you delay payment, it makes it difficult for us to put things right.

We take pride in what we do and our referrals to new business are almost always from those who’ve enjoyed the experience of working with us.

Last updated: 12 May 2024

If you need to, you can contact us using the following details:

Head Office Phone Line 07 985 5110

Accounts team [email protected]

Other enquiries [email protected]

Our Charges – Time & Materials

Technical Labour $110 + GST per hour

Installation Labour $90 + GST per hour*

Software Development $135 + GST per hour

Consulting Services $135 + GST per hour

Audit Services $110 + GST per hour

After Hours – Scheduled (min. 72 hours’ notice) $165 + GST per hour, minimum one hour

Scheduled After Hours (min. 72 hours’ notice) 12am-6am $247.50 + GST per hour, minimum one hour

After Hours – Unscheduled $247.50 + GST per hour, minimum one hour

Cancellation Fee (cancelled within 24 hours of booking) $99 + GST

Onsite Fee (within 20km of Office) $45 + GST

After Hours Onsite Fee – (within 20km of Office) $90 + GST

* Installation rates can vary depending on the number of technicians. 

After Hours Fees

We define our normal hours of business from 8.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday. Work done outside of these hours may be subject to different fee structures as stated above.

Onsite Fee

An onsite fee applies when a visit is required. This charge is used to cover the cost of running vehicles.

Parking Permits/Tolls/Paid Parking

If in the course of undertaking work for you, we are required to pay for parking or any other vehicle travel costs, these will be passed on to you.

Additional Travel

In some circumstances, if travel is required to a site located further than 20km from Taupo CBD, you may be liable for additional onsite travel fees.

After Hours Work

If, in the course of a job, you ask us to do work which falls outside of normal working hours, we will have to charge you additional fees. If it has been arranged as a call-out, call-out fees will be applied. These charges are mentioned in the chart above.

Recurring Services

Subscription, license and fees for recurring services that are added or entered into during a month will be charged out in full for that month.

Deductions or cancellations to recurring services during a month will be reflected in the following months invoice.

Our business services are a calendar month commitment so we do not provide part-month subsidies for services/licences/subscriptions that are entered into or removed during a month.

Support for Third Party Services

We charge for the labour associated with any brokerage of support between end-users and platforms/vendors (such as Microsoft/Office 365) on a regular per-hour basis. In most cases, we are unable to provide prioritised support with these vendors for specific issues or end users, we are subject to their regular triage and response time.

Cancellations/Rescheduling Appointments

We are always happy to reschedule an appointment free of charge.

If you need to cancel your appointment, please provide us with at least 24 hours’ notice.

A cancellation fee of $99 + GST may apply to appointments that are not cancelled or rescheduled within 24 hours of the original booking.


All prices quoted are exclusive of GST, unless otherwise (and specifically) stated.

Freight and Storage

You are liable for all freight charges incurred when goods are supplied. This may include urgent delivery fees or travel associated with delivering goods.

We may be required to charge for storage costs if required.

Recycling and Waste Disposal

We work with e-waste and recycling providers where possible to reduce the environmental impact of disposed I.T. equipment and packaging.

In most instances waste disposal charges will be invoiced to you to cover these costs.

Equipment recovered for e-waste disposal is not held for any retention period. If a retention is requested we require the associated storage costs to be paid, and the arrangement to be organised prior to recovery.

Please ensure any leased equipment is clearly marked so it is not accidentally disposed of.

Full data destruction is not guaranteed unless specifically requested, and these services will be contracted to a third party specialist for certified destruction.


For call-out jobs and emergency jobs, payment is due when the work is complete, unless we have made other arrangements. If you have been sent an invoice, payment is due as per the payment date on the invoice.

Once your job is complete, you will be sent a final invoice by email.

Please let us know before work commences if you would prefer an invoice to be mailed to you, as our default communication is email.

We accept payment by bank transfer and Credit Card (regular card payment surcharges apply). We do not accept cash or cheques.


We do not allow companies or construction groups to withhold funds for project invoices as fixed-term retainers. Our quotation exclude retained payments and our invoices are required to be paid in their entirety.

Progress Invoices

Progress invoices are claims for work done on site, before the entire project is completed. This covers materials procured and labour for work done to date. The cost of materials and the amount of time spent on your project will dictate whether you will be sent progress invoices.

As part of our agreement, you accept to pay these progress invoices when they are due. You understand that you cannot withhold payment for any reason.

If for any reason work has paused on your project, you can request an invoice to settle the account by calling the office.

We reserve the right to stop work if progress payments have not been made.

Product Returns

Products returned may be subject to freight and restocking fees. You agree to bear the cost for any restocking fees or the full price of the item if a supplier rejects an item’s return.


Discounts applied to your account are administered at our discretion.

Discounts may be revoked and the full amount may be charged to you if an invoice remains unpaid after the due by date.

Disputed Invoices

If you need to discuss any aspect of payment, please contact us immediately.

f you are dissatisfied with the invoice, it is your responsibility to contact us immediately.

Any dispute needs to be raised and substantiated, in writing or by email, within 14 days of the invoice receipt.

Unpaid Accounts

You are required to cover the debt collection costs associated with unpaid accounts. This includes any costs and reasonable charges by third party agencies (i.e. debt collectors) in the pursuit of the outstanding amount. You are also liable for any labour or administration costs associated with the recovery, or resulting from the recovery.

All goods remain our property until payment is made in full. You agree to allow our access (or that of a third party) if we deem that uplift is required.

You are liable for any costs associated with debt collection, the recovery of goods, or any costs we reasonably incur while in the pursuit of any outstanding payment.

We are not responsible, liable or required to provide any remediation in the event that goods are recovered or services are suspended in the event of non-payment.

Authorised Contacts

General requests for any billable work, equipment or service procurement must come from the authorised contacts on an account.

Non-urgent requests should always be made through the Client Portal.

Urgent requests raised through the Client Portal should always be followed up by phone contact to our team.

Should an emergency or other urgent matter be raised by a non-authorised contact or notification/alert(i.e. site outage), our team reserves the right to triage and engage at our discretion; if we deem sensible or necessary.

Support Requests

Please ensure you give us as much information as possible when raising a request.

Include the following details:

  • What is the issue, specifically?
  • What is the background to the issue, if relevant?
  • What steps have been taken to try and rectify the issue?
  • What happened when you tried to resolve the issue?
  • How long has the issue been happening?
  • Are there any relevant error messages?
  • Where is the user/s or the devices in question?

Note: It is important to include the full contact details of a team member with the issue so we are able to efficiently assist.

Support Response

Our response priorities are defined by the following levels

Critical: Whole organisation offline.

High: Office offline.

Medium: Large group of users affected, highly impacting team or business productivity.

Low: General support.

Note: Incorrectly prioritised requests incur all costs associated, regardless of actual priority.

Note: Critical, high and medium priority issues must be followed up by a phone call/direct contact with our team once the request is lodged.


The below applies to all quotations provided by our team, including verbal pricing:

Quotations are valid for thirty days unless otherwise explicitly stated.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any engineering services and/or cabling and accessories charges quoted are estimated based on the available information. Pricing is subject to change based on actual cost/time spent.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all quotations exclude GST and freight.